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Addressing Global Warming

pty ltd
Who are we?

AGW is a privately-owned Australian company incorporated in 2006. Initially set up to investigate Innovative Sustainable Development and more recently Carbon Abatement concepts. The story began with the ecologically sustainable Maryville Park and Maryville Estate developments in Murrumbateman, Australia. AGW hopes to end the devastating effects of global warming. We plan to achieve this through solutions incorporating 3 main areas; Education, Ecologically Sustainable Property Development and Publicly ownership of renewable energy and profits that is designed to clean Australia's grid from the production of dangerous chemicals. 



Our Products

1. Carbon Abatement Membership - Club Membership of wind farms: The club will operate with an upfront affordable life membership fee and an annual subscription, which will provide extensive data about a members allocated wind farm, with live data about the current output and clean energy production accessed from anywhere in the world. Information in a newsletter will keep members abreast on Sustainable Development progress and the fight against Global Warming and be part of the renaissance in learning around this new knowledge. This club concept is the most efficient and will result in much lower energy prices for everyone and will therefore be an investment in conservation of the environment, reduction of poverty, Saving the Planet for Future Generations and provide a practical way of Addressing Global Warming fast. 


2.   Carbon Abatement Certificates - Perpetual Free Energy Certificates in a Save the Planet for future generations Fund: This concept has significant potential using perpetual free energy Wind turbines (farms) as a carbon abatement investment which is not achievable with the Renewable Energy wind concept. Carbon Abatement certificates will deliver a perpetual yield of approximately 3.0% fully franked, or 4.0% unfranked for anyone in the world. They will be traded and marketed online, competing against all fixed interest investments including term deposits and hybrids. They will be a legitimate investment class without much volatility and importantly, they will be helping to Save the Planet for future generations and provide a practical way of Addressing Global Warming fast.


3.  Carbon Abatement Funds - Sustainable Free Energy Certificates: This concept will offset Carbon (dirty energy usage) using perpetual free energy Wind turbines (farms) against the home or with a vehicle and is far more efficient than Renewable Energy from wind. They can be registered on the land title or vehicle registration from anywhere in the world by submitting annual energy usage or kilometres travelled. Similar to the Save the Planet for Future Generations Fund, dividends will be paid to offset energy bills for an office, home, apartment or vehicle. These carbon abatement certificates will be marketed online and when the property or vehicle is sold, it should recoup the investment in being carbon neutral. The certificates will be transferable to a new home or vehicle, whilst importantly helping to Save the Planet for future generations and provide a practical way of Addressing Global Warming fast. 


4. The Sunningdale Estate Sustainable Development Concept - The key to this global concept is a Sustainable Development rebate offered by AGW to all new residents. Rebates on invoices after house construction for solar hot water, solar battery storage, water tanks and native trees, will create a sustainable lifestyle. This concept will however eventually give way to the Ballerina Park Sustainable Development Concept in 50 to 100 years, as community attitudes change for a more sustainable planet and it is accepted that this does not compromise living standards.


5. Ballerina Park Sustainable Development Concept -  This is the ultimate Pure Sustainable Development concept with the key being the community ownership of assets including wind turbines, paid for by the developer in a community title sub division. When built, it will be an engineering masterpiece as the ecological and energy support systems are perpetually self-replacing and achieve what will be the green print for all Sustainable housing Development in the not too distant future. The main planning guidelines for this new development concept will be wind speed and rainfall near the energy grid. As battery technology improves and is combined with solar panels on rooftops, it will open up new opportunities for pure Sustainable Development off grid nearly anywhere, which is a huge breakthrough. This off grid concept would require a modest sinking fund for residents for maintenance and capital replacement over time. This is the pathway to a more Sustainable Planet for future generations, with a much lighter ecological footprint. Ecological features including rainwater, storm water, recharging bore water and effluent disposal (current minimum Lot size is 1500m2) will be important and ecologically sustainable forever! This new concept will be known as the ecological civilisation and will be the way all urban development will be undertaken in 50 to 100 years especially when Global Warming accelerates as predicted.


6. Solar farms and pumped hydro - Financially viable opportunities will be pursued as we move along the pathway to Global Warming and Climate Change solutions over the next 25 years. 


7. A Sustainable Development consulting division - Providing advice on Sustainable Development strategies and how to implement them efficiently. 


8. Promotion & Education - A division educating people and governments around the world of the benefits of Sustainable Development and a Sustainable Planet.


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